Next Steps
Perform a thorough analysis of inventory data
Since the inventory is manually generated, we need considerable cleaning of the data in order to correct duplicative and inconsistent data entry. In addition, we have yet to merge information from additional sources to validate, and possibly supplement, today's inventory. Finally, there are risks that our data may expose PII or cybersecurity vulnerabilities. After we have verified the inventory data and taken steps to mitigate these potential vulnerabilities, we will post it for public review and to assist in the identification of high-value datasets for prioritization and release.
Procure an Open Data Portal
Since it is difficult for many people to understand data when they are provided in a purely machine readable format, consistent with the Open Data Policy, in FY 16 we will procure a software solution for making user-friendly visualizations of such information. In addition, this software will host datasets we make available to the public.
Make the inventory process routine and more efficient
The initial inventory largely relied on manual input, but as we continue along the path of treating our data as valued assets, we will explore and implement options to automate inventory maintenance and further educate information coordinators.
Continue to provide context to City data and engage with the community
We will continue our community outreach and engagement efforts with Open San Diego. We will explore new avenues for contextualizing City data, so that they can be consumed by all interested parties. We will pursue partnerships with nonprofits or educational institutions to analyze data for the betterment of our communities and our City operations.
Continue refinement and updates of technical guidelines
We designed technical guidelines to operate as a living document, and we will continue to adjust as we move along the process of publishing data and managing data. A well-designed release process--one that ensures any data released to the portal continues to be up-to-date--will be a key component of the technical guidelines, and a well-defined internal data management structure will be crucial in supporting it.
Identify high-value datasets and prioritize data for release
After the inventory data are cleaned and analyzed, we will prioritize data based on the plan outlined in the technical guidelines for release. While it may be subject to revision, it is included in this report in the next section. Furthermore, as we leverage Open Data for creation and future upgrading of the citywide performance dashboard, datasets supporting those indicators will be prioritized higher for release.
Review and potentially update Open Data Policy
Since the Policy calls for a yearly review of itself, we will be reviewing the Open Data Policy before the end of the calendar year.
Begin to release data by July 1, 2016
We are still on schedule to begin data releases by July 1, 2016, as well as looking forward to bringing in currently released data under the governance.